[Learning points]
  1. Learn about pacifier selection and how to make formula milk.
  2. Learn your baby’s signs of wanting to feed, feeding techniques and timing.
Infant formula is not completely sterile product and may contain bacteria that cause serious illness in infants. The choice of formula should use formula milk that has been inspected by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Health. It is better to use common and familiar people in the market.To ensure the freshness of the formula, do purchase small-packages and pay attention to the expiration date
Ⅰ、The choice of pacifier
For those babies who are premature and those who have less strength of sucking, soft, middle-sized and round-hole nursing bottles will be ideal. A cross-form nipple is best for elder babies or those who have more strength of sucking because when the nursing bottle is turned upside down, the milk will not drip out. To measure the size of the hole of nursing bottles, you can turn the bottle upside down and check if the milk can drip out drop by drop. The speed of dripping should be one drop per second.
Figure 1. The choice of pacifier
Ⅱ、Preparation of milk formula
  1. When brewing formula milk, the ratio of milk powder to water should follow the instructions on the milk tank. Too much powder may cause an upset stomach or increase the burden of the kidney; too little powder may cause insufficient nutrition. Consult the professionals if needed.
  2. Wash hands and dry with soap and water before preparing the formula.After boiling, cool down to 70 ℃ warm water for brewing. Pour the correct amount of 70℃ hot water first into the sterilized nursing bottle, Add the water first and then the milk powder, and follow the instructions on the bottle. Close up the bottle and shake it right to left - not up and down - to avoid making bubbles. If the milk is brewed with warm water below 70℃, it should be consumed immediately. Cold water can be rinsed outside the bottle to reduce the feeding temperature . Drip the milk onto the inside of the wrist, feel warm and then feed .
  3. The prepared milk should be drunk within two hours to avoid germ growing. The leftover milk should be thrown away.
  4. If you want to add the amount of the milk, add 5-10ml each time .Stick to the new amount for 4-6 meals and check if the baby has the problem of bowel movement, vomit or abdomen distension.
  5. To change the brand of formula: you can ask directly replace or ask a professional for his opinion .
Figure 2. Preparation of milk formula
Ⅲ、The way of feeding
Do wash well both hands with soaps before feeding. Hold the head of the baby up to 45 degree high; slightly decline the angle of the nursing bottle until the nipple is full of liquid milk to avoid the entry of air which may cause abdominal distension. 
Never prop the bottle to avoid chocking and aspirated pneumonia or otitis. Feeding should be immediately stopped if the baby’s face is pale or the color around the mouth and nose turns black. Turn the baby’s face to one side to avoid choking and then gently pat the back. Feeding can be continued when the breathing is smooth again and the pink color of the face comes back.

Figure 3. The way of feeding
Ⅳ、The time of feedin
Each baby has its own timetable of feeding. When the baby seems fussy and continues to touch the lips with the hands or turn the head to one side and open the mouth, it wants to eat. Those who are less than 3 months old can be fed every 2-3 hours. Those who are older than 3 months can be fed every 3-4 hours.
Figure 4. The time of feedin
Ⅴ、The way to prompt burping(Burping can be prompted during or after feeding)
  1. Hold the baby straight to lie upon the feeder’s shoulder, use one hand to pat the baby’s back to let it burp.
  2. Let the baby sit onto the thigh of the feeder, using one hand to hold the chest and the head, the other hand pat gently on the back of the baby. If you have patted for over one minute and the baby still has not any sign to burp, you could stop because the baby may not burp after every feeding.
Figure 5. The way to prompt burping
Ⅵ、Sterilize the nursing bottle
It is vital to sterilize the nursing bottle for babies less then 6 months old, some doctors will suggest to do it till the baby is much older.Prepare 6-8 nursing bottles first, and there are 2 ways of sterilization: boiling and steaming.
  1. Steaming: put the pre-washed nursing bottle into the steam pan and add about 30cc of water and then follow the instruction to steam them.
  2. Boiling: prepare a pan only for sterilization, a brush, and a clip. First separate the nipples from the bottles and wash them thoroughly. Then put the bottles into the water, which should cover the bottle. Boil the water for 10-15 minutes and then put the nipple lid, nipple, bottle cap, and the clip into the pan and continue to boil them for another 5 minutes. After that, dry them all. You can put the nursing bottles made of acrilan into the water when it is boiling, but you need to put those made of glass into the water while it is still cold.

  3. 26772ed93d612aa300fe57a19c53950b.png
Figure 6. Sterilize the nursing bottle
Do follow the manufacturers' instructions very carefully, as they vary as to how much water and powder to use.Do not add extra formula powder when making up a feed. This can make your baby constipated or dehydrated.
  1. Huang, J.W., & Lin,Y.H. (2019). Newborns and their Nursing. Chen, Y. Z. Lueckenotte (Ed.), Practical Pediatric Nursing (8nd ed., pp. 90-95). Taipei City: Hua Xing.
  2. Health Promotion Administration Ministry of Health and Welfare Maternity Care Website (2022, October 22). How to make up baby formula so you can bottle feed it at home. from https://mammy.hpa.gov.tw/Home/NewsKBContent?id=1867&type=01
  3. NHS. (2019, September 24). How to make up baby formula. from https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/breastfeeding-and-bottle-feeding/bottle-feeding/making-up-baby-formula/
  4. Taiwan Pediatric Association Committee for the Promotion of Child Welfare and Health. (2020). The correct choice of breast milk substitutes and formula milk brewing method. from https://www.pediatr.org.tw/people/edu_info.asp?id=37
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