【Learning points】
- Asthmatic treatment and prevention while asthma attack have three main principles: To avoid allergens, to avoid aggravated factors, and appropriate drug treatment.
- Medication of Asthmatic Control:Leukotriene (Singular).Inhaled Steroids.Inhaled Short - Acting Bronchodilators.
- Inhaled steroid can reduce bronchial inflammation and sensitivity to aggravated factors causing asthma attack.
- Inhaled short-acting bronchodilators (especially b2-type sympathetic doping) can relax bronchus and rapidly relief symptoms.
- The most common side effect of inhaled steroids is oral candidiasis (thrush). The use of an aerochamber, which promotes the drug into the lungs rather than the mouth, can prevent complications of inhaled steroids. Mouthwash and brush teeth must be done after inhaled drugs.
Asthmatic treatment and prevention while asthma attack have three main principles: To avoid allergens, to avoid aggravated factors, and appropriate drug treatment. We will explain asthmatic medication precautions as following.
II.Medication of Asthmatic Control:
Children with asthma, even if there are no obvious symptoms, are necessary to use medications everyday for control.
- Leukotriene (Singular)
Singular is used for the child who has mild symptoms. The dosage is once daily by oral intake. It is the first-line medicine and equal to low-dose inhaled steroid
- Inhaled Steroids
Inhaled steroid can reduce bronchial inflammation and sensitivity to aggravated factors causing asthma attack. It is the first choice for persistent asthma. It can reduce severity and frequency of symptoms to improve life quality. The colors of bottles of inhaled steroid drugs are brown, red or purple. (Ex. Table 1)
- Inhaled Short - Acting Bronchodilators
Inhaled short-acting bronchodilators (especially b2-type sympathetic doping) can relax bronchus and rapidly relief symptoms. These bronchodilators are sometimes also called "quick medicine". The children who have had symptoms must to learn how to use and carry it everywhere. Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator’s bottles are in color of blue (as shown in Table 1).
III.Medication Precautions:
- Inhaled steroids need to take a metering aerochamber ( Figure 1). Aerochamber shave different sizes. The way to connect the aerochamberand inhaler show in Figure 2.
- The most common side effect of inhaled steroids is oral candidiasis (thrush). The use of an aerochamber, which promotes the drug into the lungs rather than the mouth, can prevent complications of inhaled steroids. Mouthwash and brush teeth must be done after inhaled drugs.
IV. Conclusion:
Correct use the medication can treat asthma symptoms, prevent attacks, and maintain lung function. Even if there are no obvious symptoms of asthma, correct use of medication every day can control asthma effectively.
- Elgendy, M. O., Hassan, A. H., Saeed, H., Abdelrahim, M. E., & Eldin, R.S. (2020). Asthmatic children and MDI verbal inhalation technique counseling. Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics, 61,101900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pupt.2020.101900.
Craig, S. S., Dalziel, S. R., Powell, C. V., Graudins, A., Babl, F. E., & Lunny, C. (2020). Interventions for escalation of therapy for acute exacerbations of asthma in children: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8).Http://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD012977.pub2.