【Learning points】
  1. Wear shoes with flat and rubber soles, avoid wearing high heels or slippers which may cause falling or slipping.
  2. When walking with a walker, it may be swollen to show purple -red congestion due to the drooping feet of injuries.
  3. When walking, the distance of each step is the same, so as not to be unstable during the activity.
I.Correct height of the walker
  1. Check whether the handling button and the height adjustment button are stuck.
  2. The handles of the walker should be adjusted to the level of the waist with the angle of elbow about 25-30 degrees flexion(figure 1).
  3. The distance between the pace when using the aid to see the same distance, not to jump to reach a sense of balance.
  4. When walking with a walker, it may be swollen to show purple -red congestion due to the drooping feet of injuries, which is normal; therefore, when you go to bed, you can use a soft pillow to raise the injured foot to reduce the swelling.
Figure1. The correct height of the walker
II.Before using walker
  1. leg strength exercise
    1. Quadriceps exercise: Lie flat, straighten the injured foot, press the knee down for 5-10 seconds,10 repetitions of each movement, perform at least 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time, and last for 6-8 weeks after the operation(figure 2). 
      Figure 2. Quadriceps exercise
    2. Straight leg raise: Lie flat, straighten the injured foot, lift it off the bed at least 30 degrees, keep the knee straight, slowly lower it after 5-10 seconds, 10 reps per movement, at least 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time, back to 6-8 weeks after surgery(figure 3, 4).
      a17118c0a24c163cf41d5e4876c173eb.png f34e6231d998bf16b535fa1488f6ab77.png
      Figure 3. Lie flat, straighten the injured foot figure 4. lift the injured foot off the bed at least 30 degrees, keep the knee straight
  2. Keep the floor board always dry and clear of objects, such as wires,chair, etc.
  3. Wear shoes with flat and rubber soles, avoid wearing high heels or slippers which may cause falling or slipping.
  4. Avoid wearing pants that are too long or too loose.
III. Instructions(figure 5):
  1. Press against the walker and maintain the body weight on the uninvolved leg.
  2. Lift up the walker and move it forward about to 40cm.
  3. Step forward with the involved leg, keep it within the boundary of the walker.
  4. Hold firmly against the handles.
  5. Step forward with the uninvolved leg.
 Figure 5. Walker Walking Method
When using the aid to get out of bed, you should put on a slippery flat shoes first and adopt progressive activities. Open the helper to confirm whether the tenon button is stuck. 25-30 degrees. When walking, the distance of each step is the same, so as not to be unstable during the activity.
  1. 袁素娟(2021)‧肌肉骨骼系統疾病之護理‧於劉雪娥總校閱,成人內外科護理下冊(八版,535-568頁)‧華杏。
  2. 林心怡、王宜鈴、李思璇、蔡心惠、洪誼婷(2022)‧提升護理人員執行骨科下肢術後病人復健護理指導之完整性‧長庚護理,33(1),71-84。https://doi.org/10.6386/CGN.202203_33(1).0007
  3. Hoenig, H., & Cary, M. (2022, June 23).Geriatric Rehabilitation Interventions. UpTo Date. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/geriatric-rehabilitation-interventions?search=Walker&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~138&usage_type=default&display_rank=1


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    Instructions for use of walker
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