【Learning points】
  1. Chemicals in betel nuts may cause leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, and other oral health condition.
  2. Chewing betel nuts not only cause poor appearance, dental and oral problems, but also be associated to following medical conditions: renal toxicity, arrhythmia, hypertension, premature labor, asthma, liver toxicity .
  3. Betel nut seeds themselves are the first type of carcinogens, and without any additives, they can also cause cancer.People who have the habit of chewing betel nut should quit as soon as possible, and conduct regular oral cancer screenings. 

Chewing betel nuts increases the risks of oral cancer by 28-fold. Chemicals in betel nuts may cause leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, and other oral health condition. Besides, betel nuts have negative impact on multiple organs.


II.Betel nuts- Know the Facts

Negative impacts of betel nuts are list as follow:

  1. Compounds:Arecoline and arecaidine: turned into nitrosamines, linked to oral cancer.
  2. Polyphenols:leads to oral collagen fibrosis, and oral mucosal injury.
  3. Unriped fruit of piper linn:lined to oral mucosal atrophy.
  4. Slaked lime:contains calcium hydroxide, linked to oral cancer.4163fe3d8a612e6dc00b488e2a64ee22.png

III.Risks of Chewing betel nuts

Chewing betel nuts not only cause poor appearance, dental and oral problems, but also be associated to following medical conditions: renal toxicity, arrhythmia, hypertension, premature labor, asthma, liver toxicity .

IV.Withdraw syndrome

Due to energy boost and some traditional beliefs of health benefits, people are addicted to chewing betel nuts. If they tried to get rid of betel nuts, they may develop mood instability, anxiety, irritability, inability to concentrate, sleep disturbance, and thirst for betel nuts, which are known as “withdraw syndrome”.


V.Ways to Stay Away from Betel Nut

  1. Regular life style: lead a regular life, avoid staying up.
  2. Healthy diet: drink less tea, wine, and coffee to avoid nerve irritation and take more vitamins A, C, and E, such as kiwi fruit, legumes, vegetables, liver,- and nuts.
  3. Seek alternatives: such as eating chewing gum and biting konjac.
  4. Stay away from temptation: change the route that will not pass through betel nut stalls, and refuse the invitation of friends who will invite betel nut.

VI.Resources for quitting betel nuts

  1. Serviceable time Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM.
  2. Main line of case manager:04-23592525 ext 3831.
  3. If you have following condition, please receive screen for oral cancer: chew betel nut over the age of 30. If you have aboriginal identity, the screen is free biannually.
  4. Location: center of cancer screening, second floor, building of out-patient department.


Betel nut seeds themselves are the first type of carcinogens, and without any additives, they can also cause cancer.People who have the habit of chewing betel nut should quit as soon as possible, and conduct regular oral cancer screenings. They should also pay attention to oral conditions,self-examination, understand betel damage, and stay away from betel damage.This is the way to maintain self-health.


  1. Lin, A. Y., Huang, Y. H., Wu, T. Y., Kuo, K. L., Lai, H. Y., & Li, M. T. (2020). Adolescents and Betel Nuts. Journal of Medicine and Health, 9(2), 13-22.
  2. Huang, Y. H., Lai, C. H., Wu, T. Y., Kuo, K. L., & Li, H. Y. (2019). The History and Health Hazards of Betel Nut in Taiwan. Formosan J Med, 23(6), 789-794.
  3. 衛生福利部國民健康署健康九九網(2021年1月5日).戒檳教戰手冊.取自https://health99.hpa. gov.tw/material/ 2999.
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