【learning focus】
- Frailty merupakan suatu sindrom penyakit geriatri yang secara klinis ditandai dengan penurunan berat badan, kesulitan melakukan apapun, dan aktivitas fisik yang tidak mencukupi sehingga menyebabkan kebingungan fungsi kognitif, penurunan aktivitas fisik, dan kematian.
- Tindakan intervensi untuk mencegah kelemahan termasuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot, memperkuat fungsi anggota tubuh, dan mengonsumsi nutrisi dan kalori yang cukup.
- Melalui bantuan profesional dari klinik pengobatan geriatri dan penilaian komprehensif terhadap lansia, kami dapat mengidentifikasi penyakit yang dapat diobati dan memulihkan kesehatan.
A. What is frailty?
Frailty is a syndrome of geriatric diseases in which the balance of the body is disturbed, leading to a decline in health and functional status. This, in turn, reduces physical activity and affects quality of life. The clinical manifestations of frailty include weight loss, difficulty in performing daily activities, insufficient physical activity, slower walking speed, and reduced grip strength.
(A)Frailty self-examination
The following three questions provide self-examination: if you answer "yes" to one question, you are "pre-frailty"; if you answer "yes" to two questions, you are frailty.
(B)What could frailty lead to?
a.Cognitive Dysfunction- memory loss、day-night reversal
b.Fall down easily
c. Decreased Physical Activity
d.Leading to Death
(C)What should I do if I have become frail?
a.To treat or manage potential debilitating causes such as diabetes, chronic infections, cancer, depression, or dementia, it is advisable to seek professional help from the outpatient department of Gerontology. Through a comprehensive assessment of the elderly, healthcare professionals can identify treatable diseases, detect them early, and provide early treatment to promote health recovery.
b.What can I do if I cannot take care of myself in daily life?
(D) How to prevent frailty?
- Improve muscle endurance and flexibility through activities such as stretching exercises.
- Engage in aerobic exercises such as jogging, brisk walking, or climbing.
- Strengthen balance by practising activities such as Tai Chi.
- Consume adequate vitamins and minerals, such as dark green vegetables, traditional tofu, small dried fish, etc.
- Consume high-quality protein sources such as fish, beef, soybeans, brown rice, etc.
B. In conclusion:
In 2018, Taiwan officially entered the ageing society, and it is crucial that we strive to reduce disability among the elderly. Therefore, if frailty can be detected early, disability can be prevented by dietary adjustments, exercise, and lifestyle changes. This reduces the amount of time spent bedridden in old age, with the expectation that the elderly will not only live longer lives but also experience good health and quality of life.
C. References:
- 王玥心、張曉婷、林明慧、陳曾基、黃信彰(2019) ‧老人衰弱症的評估與預後‧家庭醫學與基層醫療,34(9),252-257。
- 周美香、陳芬如、邱群芳、林育德(2019) ‧高齡住院病人衰弱現況及其影響因子‧榮總護理,36(1),27-38。DOI:10.6142/VGHN.201903_36(1).0003。
- 陳晶瑩(2021) ‧衰弱的評估與處置‧台灣老年醫學暨老年學會雜誌,16(4),263-277。DOI: 10.29461/TGGa.202111_16(4).0001。